KI-gestütze Analyse von Kundenfeedback

Successful with decisive insights

With moveXM, analysing customer feedback is a breeze. Gain valuable insights in real time. Find out exactly where you need to start for maximum profitability.

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Real-time overview with dynamic dashboards

Individual data visualisation for effective analyses

React to changes faster: In moveXM you can track all activities in real time on dynamic dashboards

Full freedom of design: prefabricated dashboard templates guarantee you a quick and smooth start. Customise dashboards according to your needs and share them with your organisation to optimise onboarding processes

See trends crystal clear: Ensure that your company is on the winning side in the long term. With future-oriented analyses, moveXM supports you in the following

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Automatische Textanalyse

AI provides you with the decisive insights

Less work, more results: moveXM automatically analyses and categorises open text responses for you. Focus on the findings - not the process

Automatically recognise topics and moods: Find out at a glance which topics move your customers. Identify relevant feedback, thanks to automated classification of positive and negative sentiments

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Customer Journey Reporting

Truly understand customers

Water pistol instead of watering can: Determine exactly where in the customer journey there are still problems. Target improvement measures precisely so that no ressources are wasted

Fine-tune the customer experience: Look at the customer journey as a whole or break it down based on products, brands, touchpoints and other categories. The result is improvement at every level

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Business Intelligence

Integrated Business Intelligence Solution

Unite your tools: With moveXM you save on external BI tools. Use a state-of-the-art BI solution exactly where your feedback data is already located. Guarantee seamless work

Make data-based decisions: Analyse and report feedback data more comprehensively than ever before - without additional effort. Make informed decisions and visualise their impact

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Additional features

Numerous other possibilities with moveXM

Bookmarks allow you to save personalised dashboards and settings for one-click access. This maximises efficiency and productivity in your data analysis.

Use data collected with moveXM in other applications or systems at any time. moveXM allows you to export hundreds of thousands of feedbacks in various formats.

With moveXM's intuitive filter system, you can always focus on what's important. Optimise your dashboards, explore your data and gain a comprehensive understanding of your customers.

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