Customer Success Story

How Westdeutsche Zeitung successfully combines tradition with digital competence

Since 2023, the customer experience management platform moveXM is in use at Westdeutsche Zeitung to offer subscribers the best possible experience.

About Westdeutsche Zeitung

Westdeutsche Zeitung (WZ) is a regional daily newspaper that stands for independent, critical reporting since 1887. Around 100 employees at the headquarters in Wuppertal and the locations in Duesseldorf and Krefeld ensure that the more than 200,000 readers are provided with local and regional news every day.

WZ is responding to the digital transformation with a range of modern offerings over various channels. In addition to the website and app, the newspaper can be subscribed digitally as an e-paper or obtained traditionally in the print edition. The latter has a paid circulation of around 35,000 copies (August 2023).

"Our goal is to continuously improve customer satisfaction and to be closer to our customers in order to have an "ear to the market". By doing this, we are able to focus on optimizing our products and addressing them in a more target-group-oriented manner. We want to accompany our customers from onboarding to use and provide them with orientation in the wealth of our product range.

Newspapers face the challenge of keeping up with the times in both the B2C and B2B sectors. So one task is to speak the "language of the customers. Especially when it comes to the topic of digitization, we have to make sure that we use the right words for each target group - adapted to a younger or older readership.

We are always open to customer feedback - the opinions of our customers are invaluable and help us in particular to identify touchpoints where there is potential for improvement. This is one of the reasons why we decided to implement a holistic CXM platform to provide the best possible experience."

Sabine Junker, Head of Reader Market, Westdeutsche Zeitung GmbH & Co. KG

The challenge

Westdeutsche Zeitung was faced with the challenge of providing its subscribers with a first-class customer experience on all channels that meets the needs of different age groups.

That's why Westdeutsche Zeitung decided to implement customer experience management software that makes it possible to create intuitive, short surveys and cover numerous touchpoints.

By collecting customer feedback at various touchpoints of the customer journey, the focus is to be shifted even more to the subscribers - with the aim of speaking the "language of the customers" and continuously improving offers on the basis of the feedback and adapting them to the respective target group.

As a multimedia company, feedback from various channels should be united centrally in order to be able to collect and analyze insights into WZ's various offerings in a single place. There was also a requirement for automation to reduce manual effort in processing feedback.

Fotomontage eines lächelnden Mannes mit Brille, umringt von grafischen Elementen der moveXM Software-Plattform

The solution

With moveXM, Westdeutsche Zeitung has introduced a software solution for CX management that can map all touchpoints of the entire customer journey.

A breakdown of the feedback into the individual company areas, such as the subscriber service, can be implemented without any issues. Even for the individual offers, from the classic print edition, to the digital subscription with e-paper, to the WZ+ subscription, the detailled collection of feedback at individual touchpoints is possible.

Thanks to automated, AI-based text analysis, customer comments are classified according to topics and sentiments - without any manual effort. This makes it possible to see at a glance whether and where there is potential for improvement. In this way, customer feedback can be used precisely to improve the experience. Functionalities for fast and efficient problem solving also ensure sustainable customer loyalty.


Start simple, scale flexibly

moveXM offers companies of all sizes and industries a quick, easy entry into CX management. With flexible scaling options, you can unleash your full potential - tailored to your needs.

Ready to start in under 2 hours

After just 2 hours of setup and live onboarding, you'll be ready to create outstanding customer experiences. Within 15 minutes, you can create questionnaires and collect feedback.

Gain insights automatically

With intuitive dashboards, automated text analytics, and advanced AI, moveXM generates insights based on data. This helps you achieve more revenue and profitability with minimal effort.

Award winning software supported by humans

With moveXM, you no longer leave customer satisfaction to chance. Our software is certified for security and quality. Create an excellent customer experience - with excellent software.

Don't just watch any longer

Ensure more satisfied customers and better results now! Contact us and receive individual advice.

Fotomontage einer lächelnden Frau vor verschiedenen Logos von Software-Plattformen, darunter Hubspot und Salesforce